Symbol XEM
Established 31.03.2015
Website URL Link
Block explorer Link
Off. announcement​ Link
Founder NemProject
Algorithm blockchain
Protocol POI
Reviews 0 / 1

NEM is a cryptocurrency that was originally launched in 2015. Unlike the overwhelming majority of cryptocurrencies, NEM has its own original source code. This currency has introduced new features and technologies to the blockchain community. For instance, it operates using the unique POI algorithm. POI or Proof of Importance helps to determine the user who is going to calculate the next block. The new algorithm guarantees the fair distribution of chances on block calculation as it takes into consideration not only the amount of coins stored in the user's wallet but also all incoming and outgoing transactions. That makes it possible to reward those users who make the biggest contribution to the currency development and distribution.

The average time of block generation is one minute. There are different types of messaging available to the NEM users: encrypted, unencrypted, and hex. The wallets are very easy to use and NEM software will take just minutes to install. They are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Moreover, the application for iOS and Android are being developed.

NEM allows you to perform instant money transfers globally, without large fees. All wallets are highly secured and exclude any possibility of unauthorized access to it.


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  • For the future

    it will be great soon

    By BELKACEM94 ( 174.54.155.* ) 2017-11-12 07:16 0 Comments Add a Comment

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