
Symbol VTA
Established 28.02.2014
Website URL Link
Block explorer Link
Off. announcement​ Link
Founder misocialnetwork
Algorithm Scrypt
Protocol POW
Reviews 0 / 1

Virtacoin was launched in 2014. This cryptocurrency is an overhauled version of VirtaPay. Like many other digital currencies, Virtacoin is generally used to make money transfers and payments online. It is a fully decentralized system, therefore it protects the anonymity and safety of your transactions.

There are different ways of getting VirtaCoins. For instance, you can mine or buy them.

You can spend your VirtaCoins on several services that accept this currency. For example, you can buy books or donate to non-profit organizations.

VirtaCoin can also be converted into other digital currencies as well as fiat money.

This currency uses the proof of work algorithm. Its block time is only one minute and the difficulty is retargeted at each block creation. The total number of coins is 21 billion VTA.


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  • virtacoin great coin.

    virtacoin should be exchanged at 10 usd value per virtacoin.thanks.

    By suman0576 ( 1.187.184.* ) 2018-03-20 11:02 0 Comments Add a Comment

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