
Country China
Since 24.08.2012
Website URL Link
Pairs 60
Affiliate Program Yes
User Reviews 0 / 1

Bter is a Chinese altcoin trading platform created by Jinan Manwei Information Technology Co, Ltd in 2012. Bter´s goal is to provide users with secure, effective and fair cryptocurrency exchange services.

It is one of the very few altcoin platforms that support fiat currencies, namely USD and CNY.

Bter supports approximately 100 cryptocurrencies and it was one of the first altcoin exchanges to support Primecoin.

Bter is protected by an SSL certificate, Web Application Firewall (WAF), Manually confirmed withdrawal and Google TOTP Two-factor Authentication. The platform stores most of the funds in offline cold storage.

Bter's trading and withdrawal fees are the lowest in the industry. Bter charges a 0.2% fee for both sales and purchases.

Bter has a unique investment program which yields 10-12 % ROI per year with tax-free withdrawals at any time. You can collect interest payments on your accounts every 24 hours and the interest is usually somewhere between 0.1% and 2% a year.

Bter created special software named BterTrader. BterTrader is a tool that enables you to track trading values, Moving Average indicators and market depth, all from your desktop.

The platform also has a free Android App.


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    By stasikbest ( 46.187.97.* ) 2023-07-19 07:04 0 Comments Add a Comment

Current Rates

The list of supported currency pairs and corresponding rates.

Pair Rate Δ % Volume Δ V Spread
LTC/CNY 264.1200 -1.6547 367.1212 5.9544 1.0000
BTC/CNY 17088.0000 -3.1374 238.9672 5.2464 272.0000
ETH/BTC 0.0931 -10.1386 18.4201 11.4210 0.0059
QTUM/BTC 0.0049 5.0577 18.3927 -10.0568 0.0005
MG/BTC 0.0000 -5.5118 9.5400 29.3752 0.0000
NXT/BTC 0.0001 -6.9271 6.2012 23.5156 0.0000
DOGE/BTC 0.0000 -2.0202 6.1893 -0.0910 0.0000
LTC/BTC 0.0152 4.7521 4.6077 8.8481 0.0005
XEM/BTC 0.0001 8.6099 4.4019 54.1147 0.0000
XCN/BTC 0.0000 -26.6752 3.7588 -40.1976 0.0000
ETC/BTC 0.0067 -5.0565 2.2855 -27.1493 0.0004
XTC/BTC 0.0000 1.8758 2.0952 33.3505 0.0000
ZEC/BTC 0.1287 3.6566 1.7292 6.7196 0.0130
XMR/BTC 0.0176 3.6837 1.6116 34.8062 0.0016
CNC/BTC 0.0000 -10.2701 1.4830 50.9138 0.0000
BTS/BTC 0.0001 16.2442 1.4187 16.8442 0.0000
DASH/BTC 0.0680 0.6274 1.1200 20.4275 0.0000
XPM/BTC 0.0003 -8.1675 0.9310 14.7065 0.0000
NMC/BTC 0.0009 -4.6409 0.9191 75.3634 0.0000
BAT/BTC 0.0001 -8.4069 0.7646 13.1533 0.0000
XRP/BTC 0.0001 8.2045 0.6966 12.1161 0.0000
BTRX/BTC 0.0000 1.9413 0.5839 89.1519 0.0000
TIPS/LTC 0.0000 3.0220 0.4492 46.5981 0.0000
PPC/BTC 0.0009 -2.8078 0.4111 12.8802 0.0002
IFC/LTC 0.0000 -11.1374 0.4077 55.5910 0.0000
FTC/BTC 0.0000 -16.5190 0.3360 13.6705 0.0000
ETP/BTC 0.0013 -24.2370 0.2693 21.8221 0.0007
XCP/BTC 0.0145 22.5474 0.1478 111.7874 0.0041
REP/BTC 0.0100 0.0001 0.1163 -12.1299 0.0045
TIX/LTC 0.0000 6.2925 0.0607 3.6061 0.0000
HKG/BTC 0.0000 -17.9352 0.0093 -52.5835 0.0000
XRP/CNY 1.7220 -6.2704 0.0000 0.0000 0.0380
QTUM/CNY 87.0000 3.7493 0.0000 0.0000 0.2900
ETP/CNY 23.5300 -10.0535 0.0000 0.0000 1.0400
BTRX/CNY 0.7820 -0.3060 0.0000 0.0000 0.0140
BTS/CNY 1.5780 -3.9164 0.0000 0.0000 0.0003
CNC/CNY 0.0890 -9.4793 0.0000 0.0000 0.0010
REP/CNY 145.0000 -17.8935 0.0000 0.0000 15.0000
BAT/CNY 0.9710 -7.8573 0.0000 0.0000 0.0190
SNT/CNY 4999.5000 -24.9550 0.0000 0.0000 -9999.0000
SNT/BTC 0.0000 100.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
DOGE/CNY 0.0167 -5.4514 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
DASH/CNY 1097.8900 -5.5089 0.0000 0.0000 24.5500
ETH/CNY 1675.2400 -4.7279 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
ETC/CNY 118.4000 -4.9416 0.0000 0.0000 1.5980
FTC/CNY 0.4650 -11.5970 0.0000 0.0000 0.0050
IFC/CNY 0.0009 -5.8166 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
NMC/CNY 15.8800 -11.0364 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
NXT/CNY 1.1359 -3.2239 0.0000 0.0000 0.0385
PPC/CNY 15.9400 -7.6049 0.0000 0.0000 0.9400
SHELL/CNY 0.1900 -13.0833 0.0000 0.0000 0.0080
TIPS/CNY 0.0002 -0.2478 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
TIX/CNY 0.0003 -3.0282 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
XCP/CNY 177.0000 -11.8087 0.0000 0.0000 15.0000
XMR/CNY 279.2780 -3.4489 0.0000 0.0000 26.9980
XPM/CNY 5.1800 0.8779 0.0000 0.0000 0.1092
XTC/CNY 0.1005 -10.3159 0.0000 0.0000 0.0046
XEM/CNY 1.0381 -6.4353 0.0000 0.0000 0.0099
ETC/ETH 0.0571 -20.4465 0.0000 0.0000 0.0212
ZEC/CNY 2021.0000 -5.3310 0.0000 0.0000 16.0000

Trading Volume

Distribution of the trading volume involving the supported currency pairs.

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