The First Ukrainian International Bank (PUMB) ranks among the top 10 Ukrainian banks by such key financial ratios, as volume of assets and liabilities, volume of equities and authorized capital. PUMB is one of the largest Ukrainian financial institutions that specializes in commercial, retail, investment and bank operations.
This bank was founded in 1991. PUMB's service network covers the Ukrainian territory almost entirely: currently, it is present in 8 regional centers and is comprised of 157 offices and 11 branches. Around 3950 people work at PUMB.
PUMB is a member of the "Radius" network which is comprised of 2000 ATMs across Ukraine.
This bank has established itself as a reliable financial institution. In the 1990s, PUMB introduced the European corporate culture, as well as international standards of customer service and risk management.
In 2010, Standard & Poor's, USAID, and the Finance Initiative published a report in which they concluded that The First Ukrainian International Bank was one of the leading Ukrainian banks by level of information transparency.
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CoinCat 42.86% |
Vikbit 28.57% | 14.29% |
24ATM 14.29% | 36.36% |
BeeSwap 18.18% |
EExchanger 18.18% |
OPG-Swap 9.09% |
PocketBank 9.09% |